The World Conservation Union or ICUN prepares a list that indicates which species are considered to be vulnerable and endangered or even critically endangered. If you are a lover of animals or even just interested the world eco environment you will be aware of what is known as the endangered species list.
Animals and plants that appear on this list have been scientifically studied and determined to be considerably in danger of becoming extinct due to significantly low numbers in existence. Sadly not enough of us are familiar with what we could be doing to help.
Just some of the animals that appear on the endangered species list today are:
The amazing great apes- Great apes have been hunted and slaughtered to near extinction not just to feed the demand for trade in the African bush meat trade, but also sickeningly to supply the tourist trade in body parts. Introduced diseases such as Ebola have also played a part in the destruction of these beautiful animals.
The Asian Orangutan is on the endangered species list due to deforestation, and plain ignorance to the destruction of habitat for profit.
The Atlantic Salmon- Once so plentiful it was an iconic symbol of healthy rivers and water systems, today many of the active salmon runs are now null and void.
Marine turtles- The turtles, whose origins date back over 200 million years, are today appear on the endangered species list. Habitat pollution and destruction, boating collisions and hunting have almost completely erased them in our time.
Elephants, the largest animal on land, have been unceremoniously poached for decades for their ivory tusks. Again habitat destruction also plays a significant role in our devastating loss and another animal on the endangered species list.
Polar bears appear on the endangered species list as a result of climate change. Global warming has seriously shrunken the Antarctic ice masses on which they hunt their prey. The food supply supporting the polar bear has dramatically reduced as so is the awesome animal.
The Panda, so adored, but so endangered. There are less than 1600 of Chins panda in the wild today, endangered due to poaching and deforestation.
The Rhinoceros is also on the endangered species list endangered and facing the real threat of extinction.
Many other animals also appear on the endangered species list including whales, dolphins, tigers, snow leopard and monarch butterflies. But you can make a difference. Wildlife conservation begins with you and me. We can make a difference by being environmentally aware in our everyday lives. Organic living is not just a trend, it’s a lifeline. Be aware when shopping for groceries and be careful of what chemicals we allow into our environment.
Global warming is a threat that will affect generations to come. The atmosphere surrounding us that supports life is a God-given gift. It must be protected. We should be leaders in efforts to curb global warming, not resistant followers. Erin Hunt is an avid writer and activist. She discovered that many are still unaware of the dangers of global warming and thus created a website to educate others on how they can play a role in the fight against global warming. Find out more about the effects and cause of global warming and how you can make a difference at
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Greenpeace International
Established in 1971 in British Columbia, Canada Greenpeace International is the most successful and valuable environmental organization on the globe.
Greenpeace International has been aggressive in many campaigns, particularly in efforts to stop nuclear testing, and marine protection. Greenpeace has been active in intently protesting against genetic engineering, the practice of bottom trawling, deforestation, global warning and nuclear power, just to name a few.
The headquarters of Greenpeace International is located in Amsterdam, with active fronts in 41 other countries around the world. Local chapters work independently to carry on the work of Greenpeace in their own environment, which come under the umbrella of the greater Greenpeace International organization, with a pyramid type infrastructure.
Financially supported from very much a grass-roots level, infrastructure and its very foundations have been funded by over 2.8 million supporters and charitable organizations. Greenpeace has been effective largely due to its independence from governments and corporations. Greenpeace International aims to utilize peaceful and creative measures of communication to present the people of the world global environmental problems. The key focus of Greenpeace is to ensure the world’s biodiversity remains healthy. With the empathies on peaceful communication Greenpeace puts itself in a position to gain the attention of the world’s media. Its members for example will place themselves between a whale and the harpoon. Greenpeace have even been known to have its volunteers infiltrate the G8 summit in Germany on jet skis for greater media coverage.
Greenpeace International runs several large scale campaigns together that fit into their priority agenda, with a rotating set of issues. Greenpeace aims to present solutions to the world environmental concerns by lobbying for establishment of marine sanctuaries, and actively searching for sources of renewable energy. Currently Greenpeace international are focused on ways to stop the effects of global warming, preserving natural forests and preserving the purity of the world’s oceans.
Greenpeace international is proactive in the encouragement to eliminate toxic chemicals and harmful carcinogens from improved production methods.
Greenpeace international also endeavors to promote sustainable low impact agriculture across the globe for the good of all.
Global warming is a threat that will affect generations to come. The atmosphere surrounding us that supports life is a God-given gift. It must be protected. We should be leaders in efforts to curb global warming, not resistant followers. Erin Hunt is an avid writer and activist. She discovered that many are still unaware of the dangers of global warming and thus created a website to educate others on how they can play a role in the fight against global warming. Find out how you can make a difference at
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Greenpeace International has been aggressive in many campaigns, particularly in efforts to stop nuclear testing, and marine protection. Greenpeace has been active in intently protesting against genetic engineering, the practice of bottom trawling, deforestation, global warning and nuclear power, just to name a few.
The headquarters of Greenpeace International is located in Amsterdam, with active fronts in 41 other countries around the world. Local chapters work independently to carry on the work of Greenpeace in their own environment, which come under the umbrella of the greater Greenpeace International organization, with a pyramid type infrastructure.
Financially supported from very much a grass-roots level, infrastructure and its very foundations have been funded by over 2.8 million supporters and charitable organizations. Greenpeace has been effective largely due to its independence from governments and corporations. Greenpeace International aims to utilize peaceful and creative measures of communication to present the people of the world global environmental problems. The key focus of Greenpeace is to ensure the world’s biodiversity remains healthy. With the empathies on peaceful communication Greenpeace puts itself in a position to gain the attention of the world’s media. Its members for example will place themselves between a whale and the harpoon. Greenpeace have even been known to have its volunteers infiltrate the G8 summit in Germany on jet skis for greater media coverage.
Greenpeace International runs several large scale campaigns together that fit into their priority agenda, with a rotating set of issues. Greenpeace aims to present solutions to the world environmental concerns by lobbying for establishment of marine sanctuaries, and actively searching for sources of renewable energy. Currently Greenpeace international are focused on ways to stop the effects of global warming, preserving natural forests and preserving the purity of the world’s oceans.
Greenpeace international is proactive in the encouragement to eliminate toxic chemicals and harmful carcinogens from improved production methods.
Greenpeace international also endeavors to promote sustainable low impact agriculture across the globe for the good of all.
Global warming is a threat that will affect generations to come. The atmosphere surrounding us that supports life is a God-given gift. It must be protected. We should be leaders in efforts to curb global warming, not resistant followers. Erin Hunt is an avid writer and activist. She discovered that many are still unaware of the dangers of global warming and thus created a website to educate others on how they can play a role in the fight against global warming. Find out how you can make a difference at
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